Welcome to DESIGN

Welcome to DESIGN. This video course will help you get a bigger perspective on the wonderful person God has made you into and what your unique contributions to His world might look like. Beachpoint has been using DESIGN since 2012. This tool originated from the work of Wayne Cordiero and New Hope Church in Hawaii. His book Doing Church as a Team has become a handbook for us. We think of our church like an outrigger canoe. Everyone at Beachpoint paddles. We all have a role to play. 


DESIGN is an acronym for our DESIRES, EXPERIENCES, SPIRITUAL GIFTS, INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITY, GROWTH STAGE, and NATURAL ABILITIES. Each video will give you a brief understanding of one of the parts of DESIGN. Watch the short video then do the attached worksheet that corresponds to it. At the end, click the link to set-up a time to meet with one of our pastors to explore what you have learned. We can't wait to talk to you about your DESIGN!


The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

-Frederick Buechner