Build Healthy Rhythms
what are spiritual rhythms?
At Beachpoint, we value building healthy spiritual rhythms, which is a helpful way to continuously grow our relationship with God and others. As we circle these rhythms in our daily lives, we experience God, build relationships, and unleash compassion on our world.
learn more about our rhythms
1) worship
Worship is gathering together across generations to praise God and experience His presence. We come to hear Him speak into our lives and challenge us to take the next steps of our faith.
2) groups
Life Groups are our small group gatherings that help us become like Jesus together. We learn together, pray for each other, and discover ways to help each other live out our faith.
3) giving
Giving is our opportunity to give generously from what God has given to us. It is our physical response with our finances to the ways that God is impressing us to trust Him and bless others.
4) serving
Serving allows us to invest in others. Through projects and partnerships we seek to be used by God to bless others in their daily life and faith.
5) 8to15
8to15 is a list of the eight to fifteen people in our relational world that we believe God wants us to bless. These are people who we invite into faith, help through a tough time, or empower to take their next steps of faith.
6) s.o.a.p.
s.o.a.p. is a rhythm of reading the Bible that includes Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It helps us to interact with the Bible in a more meaningful way