Serving People Locally and Around the World
Ambassadors In Neighborhoods, Cities, and the Globe
We would love for you to get involved in God’s mission and use your time, talents, and treasures for His glory.
Local Partnerships
SHIP is a non-profit organization that helps people transition out of homelessness. We partner with them twice a year by housing and feeding the guests on our campus over a three-week period. You can serve our guests by being an overnight host or bringing a meal to share.
Beachpoint partners with iHope, an organization that trains Christians how to befriend and reach out to their Muslim neighbors.
We are partnering with other churches in HB to make an impact in the community of Oak View. One way is through volunteering at Common Ground, providing at-risk youth with community, restoration, and adventure. Another way is in working with other churches to plant a church in Oak View.
Beachpoint is sending out Tammy A. through Frontiers. With the help of the Holy Spirit and your love and prayers, the team intends to lovingly and respectfully identify persons of peace in an unengaged people group, making disciples and watching the Kingdom of God take root.
International Partnerships
We are partnering with Serve India and a national pastor to serve the unreached people groups in North East India through education and church planting.
There are many orphans and widows in Kenya who have no one to care for them and their physical needs. We financially partner with Hope for the Future to help feed the children and widows, and send four at risk girls to school. Would you consider sponsoring a child with Hope for the Future?
Through Bible Translation and church planing amongst this people group, we are seeing people coming to faith in Christ. We encourage you to pray for the new believers as they experience persecution as well as for our missionaries and national pastors we partner with.
*Name of the people group was changed for the safety of our partners
We are working alongside Pastor Daniel Nunez with the vision of planting fifty new churches in Mexico.
Beachpoint has sent out teams with Frontiers to do outreach (and eventually church planting) in Muslim majority contexts in the Middle East.
We partner with The Seed Co. and national translators to put the Bible into the three dialects of the Ayta people. We encourage you to pray for changed hearts as they start to hear the Bible in their own languages.